Netcontrol uk ltd
Netcontrol uk ltd

netcontrol uk ltd

With the inclusion of EchoLink and the K8JTK node as access points to the net, it is important that stations pause between transmissions to permit the system equipment to reset.We also have a website located at, where you can obtain more information about the club and keep up to date with current activities.We invite anyone monitoring who is interested in obtaining a ham license to contact us at We’ll help you get started in ham radio.We offer a 75 meter net at 8:00 pm at 3.835 MHz (+/- QRM) (Sign on to NetLogger for exact frequency) on Tuesday for general conversation. It’s a time to do a little operating, exchange technical ideas, and generally have a good time. We also have a weekly get together each Wednesday at 7:00pm, also at the Voice of America facility.Zoom meetings for the business meeting have also been discontinued. The monthly club business meeting is held on the Wednesday following the program meeting, 7:00pm at the Voice of America Building.

netcontrol uk ltd

We offer a variety of programs geared to the active amateur.

  • Our monthly club program meeting is held at 7:00pm on the first Thursday of each month at the Voice of America facility on Tylersville Road in West Chester Township.
  • FM stations may set their tone/squelch to 123.0 to avoid the digital signal. Our repeater is a Yeasu Fusion DR-1x repeater, capable of both FM and digital transmissions.
  • Following Newsline, we hold a digital mode net.
  • When available, we transmit the Amateur Radio Newsline following the FM net.
  • The first portion of our net is conducted in FM mode.
  • #Netcontrol uk ltd update#

    We meet to update everyone on club activities, and as a time to get together for some conversation.You don’t have to be a member to join our conversation. All amateurs are invited to check into the net.This net meets each Monday night at 8:00pm.It’s 8:00pm, and time for the West Chester Amateur Radio Association Monday night net.

    Netcontrol uk ltd